Suppose that you are in the market to buy a watch for you. In your shopping, you come across both a well-known Rolex watch at an official retailer and an aftermarket on the subway. Of course, you buy a Rolex watch, because it is a world-renowned watch brand.

As per Cambridge Dictionary, brand identity is the attributes of a company that make it stand apart from others in the market. The qualities of an organization are communicated via logo, slogans, fonts, color palette, and other means.

No one knows your business when you start it. You need to create a brand for your business and let people know what your trade is. There is no shortcut or unified way to create a brand identity, as it is a development process and takes time. However, following some guidelines can help you in this regard. Here are some steps for your help:

Know your targeted market

Having an idea about the market you are targeting is the preferred start to let your business spread fast and make a brand for it. With market analysis, you will come to know your counterparts and plan the strategies to compete them. In the analysis, you need to focus on age, gender, profession, and interests of audience you will target. This will help you create the most suitable slogans, mission statement, or taglines.

Transform your business messages into visual concepts

After the collection of data on your market and probable customers, you can move forward and land to the design part. Begin with logo creation and right color selection to communicate your mission statement in the best way and draw the attention of the customers you are targeting. Because, color is an excellent way to create a distinct and memorable brand image. After that, you can move ahead for having the secondary elements, like business cards, custom address stamps, typeface, and signature stamps, of your brand identity. Start using your visual concepts in your packaging, documentation, and other business operational works.

Keep your company identity elements updated

The philosophy, values, or mission statement may change with the expansion of your business. Your brand identity should reflect the change if you make. You may need to change only design standards. Keeping your identity updated prevents your patrons from getting confused when it comes to identify your company.

Gather feedback and refine your brand identity

In the early days, a few businesses set the right branding model. The ways you interact with your clients mention a lot about your success and growth. There is possibility that you may need to try many options before finalizing the best one.


Creating a brand identity is a slow and steady process, which requires you to carry out a study on your potential audience & market, give physical presence to your concepts to spread your business message, keep your identity elements updated and refine the face of your company after collecting feedback. With patience and right approach, you can be able to compete big mid to big players in the competitive market.

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