Every one of us loves our child and is always ready to take all possible efforts to keep him/her happy. You start encouraging your baby to learn writing and reading as he/she steps into the third/fourth year of his/her life and want that your kid would be brilliant in almost everything he/she would do. Stop limiting learning in a closed area, which can be your home or classroom in a school, if you are serious about making your child an intelligent learner.
Here are some practical ways for your help:
Be helpful to your child
Some children fear trying new things due to several reasons, like upbringings, past experiences, environment, and temperament. Experts suggest that some kids have a problem in doing something new, as they would have received praises only when they succeeded in the past. As conscious parents, you need to be supportive of your baby in his/her effort, progress, and process. It means here that you should appreciate your child for the effort he/she has made, used method, and obtained improvement. Praise your kid for every single step whether he/she succeeds or not. With this, you will help him/her get rid of the fear he/she has and build confidence.
Talk, sing, read and play with your child
From birth, a child tries to imitate whatever people do around him/her. Get ready to go back to your childhood and do whatever you want your child should do. Read a storybook before you kid if you want he/she should learn reading it. Start singing favourite songs if you wish your baby should start learning singing.
Make learning fun
No one loves to get bored and always likes to do the things they are interested in. Focus on your kind and try to find out the things he/she loves doing. Suppose that your baby likes playing with a ball or vehicle. Ensure the availability of balls or cars that can recite numbers, letters, stories, etc. for your child. With this, you can make him/her learn the things while playing games.
Boost interests in extracurricular activities
As already mentioned above, you should go out of a structured area if you really want to make your child be excellent at learning. Take your child to parties, events, parks, and other kid places. There or after returning from there, discuss what your baby liked. Encourage him/her to express his/her opinions. Suppose that he/she likes a Thank You note received at a party. Ask your baby to create something different for the same card. Help him/her in the arrangement of the needed items, like custom stamps and cards. Be ready to guide your child if required.
Besides, you can fill his/her world with the available resources for learning, provide him/her unstructured playtime, focus on strength instead of weakness, work on further developments and turn everyday events into learning opportunities. Be focused on your kid whatever you want to do to encourage your child’s learning. Always be ready to take audio or visual supports to facilitate your kid’s learning.
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